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This second research volume produced adds to first volume by expanding the number of countries covered, and by providing thinking on new topics in the field of international migration. The present volume presents nine additional studies covering countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia and the Pacific, as well as Western Europe. Part I consists of four chapters. The first three chapters examine the impact of migration and remittances on development indicators in Pakistan and twelve Latin American and Caribbean countries, while…mehr

This second research volume produced adds to first volume by expanding the number of countries covered, and by providing thinking on new topics in the field of international migration. The present volume presents nine additional studies covering countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia and the Pacific, as well as Western Europe. Part I consists of four chapters. The first three chapters examine the impact of migration and remittances on development indicators in Pakistan and twelve Latin American and Caribbean countries, while Chapter 4 examines an entirely new topic, namely the impact of international migration on birth rates and the extent of the demographic transition in the migrants' countries of origin, with focus on Egypt, Morocco and Turkey. Part II consists of three chapters dealing with host country policies and their impact on migrants (Japan, New Zealand and Switzerland). Part III comprises two chapters. The first one examines the determinants of return and repeat migration in Norway, and the second looks at the degree of success and the occupational choice of return migrants relative to similar individuals who did not migrate in the case of Egypt.

Table of contents:
Introduction; Ç.Özden & M.Schiff PART I: GLOBAL MIGRATION DATABASE Quantifying International Migration: A Database of Bilateral Migrant Stocks; C.R.Parsons, R.Skeldon, T.L.Walmsley & L.A.Winters PART II: IMPACT ON DEVELOPMENT What is the Impact of International Remittances on Poverty and Inequality in Latin America?; P.Acosta, P.Fajnzylber & J.H.Lopez Temporary Economic Migration and Rural Development in Pakistan; G.Mansuri Labor Supply, Human Capital and International Remittances: Evidence from El Salvador; P.Acosta The Demographic Benefit of International Migration: Hypothesis and Application to the Middle Eastern and North African Contexts; P.Fargues PART III: HOST COUNTRY POLICY EFFECTS Immigration Incentives and Policy in Switzerland; D.M.Gross Japan as Destination for Latin Americans of the Japanese Origin; J.Goto How Does an ExAnte Job Offer Requirement on Labor Mobility Work? The New ZealandTongan Experience; J.Gibson & D.McKenzie PART IV: RETURN MIGRATION Return to Overseas Work Experience: The Case of Egypt; J.Wahba Who Leaves, and Where? Patterns of Repeat and Return Migration among Immigrants in Norway; B.Bratsberg, O.Raaum & K.Sørlie
ÇAGLAR ÖZDEN is an Economist in the International Trade division within the Development Research Group. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and B.S. from Cornell University. His main research areas are international migration, brain drain and international trade with a focus on preferential trade programs and international institutions. He is the co-editor of the recent volume titled International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain.

MAURICE SCHIFF is a Lead Economist in the International Trade Unit, Development Research Group. He currently directs a Research Program on International Migration and Development has published various articles on the topic and has co-edited a book entitled International Migration, Remittances and the Brain Drain which was published in 2005. He co-directed a research project on Regional Integration which generated a large number of articles in refereed journals, a Symposium Issue of the WBER, the book Regional Integration and Development (published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish), and the Policy Research Report Trade Blocs. He also co-directed an earlier research project entitled 'The Political Economy of Agricultural Pricing Policy', which generated a large number of articles, a five-volume series in English and a volume in Spanish. He has also published on game-theoretic analyses of commodity trade policy; social capital; the geography of trade; nutrition; and trade- and FDI-related technology diffusion. His work has included policy analysis and advice in Chile, the Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Morocco, Nicaragua, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, the West Bank and Gaza, and other countries in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, in the areas of trade policy, migration, and agriculture.