Der vierte Band des Internationalen Jahrbuchs des Deutschen Idealismus ist der Ästhetik und der Philosophie der Kunst gewidmet. Die Beiträge zu zentralen Themen der philosophischen Ästhetik in der Epoche des deutschen Idealismus zeigen die vielfältigen Verbindungen unter den Theorieentwürfen auf. Zudem lassen sie die eminente Bedeutung für die gegenwärtige Diskussion deutlich werden.
The fourth volume of the International Yearbook of German Idealism is devoted to aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Its contributions on philosophical themes central to aesthetics in the era of German Idealism disclose a variety of connections between the theories of that era. In addition, they clarify the importance of these theories for contemporary discussion.
The fourth volume of the International Yearbook of German Idealism is devoted to aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Its contributions on philosophical themes central to aesthetics in the era of German Idealism disclose a variety of connections between the theories of that era. In addition, they clarify the importance of these theories for contemporary discussion.