Martin Kilduff is the Diageo Professor of Management at the University of Cambridge. He is also editor of Academy of Management Review and co-author of Social Networks and Organizations (with Wenpin Tsai; 2003). He has served on the faculties of the University of Texas, Penn State, and INSEAD, and has been a visiting professor at London Business School, Keele University, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
1. Introduction
Part I. Perceiving Networks: 2. A network approach to leadership
3. An analysis of the internal market for reputation
4. Systematic biases in network perception
5. Effects of network accuracy on individuals' perceived power
Part II. The Psychology of Network Differences: 6. Social structure and decision-making in an MBA cohort
7. The social networks of low and high self-monitors
8. Centrality in the emotion helping network: an interactionist approach
Part III. Network Dynamics and Organizational Culture: 9. Network perceptions and turnover in three organizations
10. Organizational crises
11. The control of organizational diversity
12. Future directions.