Introduction. On the Importance of Keeping It Simple and Taking the Patient
Seriously: A Conversation with Steve de Shazer and John Weakland. Welcome
to PossibilityLand: A Conversation with Bill O'Hanlon. On Ethics and the
Spiritualities of the Surface: A Conversation with Michael White and Gene
Combs. Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from
a Narrative Constructivist Perspective: A Conversation with Donald
Meichenbaum. Contact, Contract, Change, Encore: A Conversation about
Redecision Therapy with Bob Goulding. Constructing Therapeutic Realities: A
Conversation with Paul Watzlawick. Solution Building and Language Games: A
Conversation with Steve de Shazer (and Some after Words with Insoo Berg).
Postmodernism, the Relational Self, Constructive Therapies, and Beyond: A
Conversation with Kenneth Gergen. About Constructivism (or, If Four
Colleagues Talked in New York, Would Anyone Hear It?): A Conversation with
Scott Miller, Barbara Held, and William Matthews. Brief Therapy and Managed
Care: A Conversation with Michael Hoyt and Jon Matthew Carlson. Honoring
Our Internalized Others and the Ethics of Caring: A Conversation with Karl
Tomm and Stephen Madigan. Direction and Discovery: A Conversation about
Power and Politics in Narrative Therapy with Michael White and Jeff