Today's ever competitive and dynamic business environment claims very vigilant and smart management, which can respond to the demanding market situations.One important way to respond to a demanding market situation is the application of the innovative and creative ability of employees;Intrapreneuring.Intrapreneuring can help companies achieve competitive advantage through innovation and creativity.Having the underlining concept of intrapreneurship in mind and with the aim of investigating the prevalence of intrapreneurship in Addis Ababa leather footwear industry this study is conducted. Using sample companies in a cross sectional descriptive survey it is shown that the prevalence of all the constructs indicating intrapreneurial behavior is low and the factors affecting intrapreneurial behavior are not sound in the study industry. It is recommended that visionary and risk taking leaders should be put in place and the organizational culture, reward systems as well as organizational structures should be tailored according to intrapreneurial behaviour requirements.