This book aims to study how the subject of medicines is included in chemistry teaching in state schools in Ubá-MG. A visit was made to the Senador Levindo Coelho state school and a questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered to teachers and students in the third year of secondary school. These questionnaires were used as tools to find out how teachers develop organic chemistry content and the students' prior knowledge of this content and its relationship to their daily lives. The second step was to analyze the contents of the textbooks and their relationship with the subject of medicines. Subsequently, the materials used in the development of this work were made up: questionnaires, directed studies and scripts for lectures and experiments in order to promote, in addition to contextualization, the students' curiosity in solving problems related to self-medication and the disposal of medicines. Knowledge was then applied through lectures covering the content of organic functions and involving the topic of medication in the identification of its compounds.