Frank LunaIntroduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12
Luna Frank : Frank Luna has been programming interactive 3D graphics with DirectX for more than fifteen years. He is the author of three bestselling books on DirectX and has worked in 3D medical visualization, 3D architectural design software, and gaming. He holds a BS in mathematics from the University of California, Irvine.
Part I - Mathematical Prerequisites. Vector Algebra. Matrix Algebra. Transformations.
Part II - Direct3D Foundations. Direct3D Initialization. The Rendering Pipeline. Drawing in Direct3D (Part 1). Drawing in Direct3D (Part 2). Lighting. Texturing. Blending. Stenciling. The Geometry Shader. The Compute Shader. The Tessellation Stages.
Part III -Topics. Building A First Person Camera & Dynamic Indexing. Instancing and Frustum Culling. Picking. Cube Mapping. Normal Mapping. Shadow Mapping. Ambient Occlusion. Quaternions. Character Animation. Appendices. Introduction to Windows Programming. High-Level Shader Language Reference. Some Analytic Geometry. Solutions to Selected Exercises (on disc).