Introduction to Circuit Analysis and Design takes the view that circuits have inputs and outputs, and that relations between inputs and outputs and the terminal characteristics of circuits at input and output ports are all-important in analysis and design. Two-port models, input resistance, output impedance, gain, loading effects, and frequency response are treated in more depth than is traditional. Due attention to these topics is essential preparation for design, provides useful preparation for subsequent coursed in electronic devices and circuits, and eases the transition from circuits to systems.
"A strength of the book is its practical flavor. Without doubt, this will make it appealing to students." -- Art Davis, Prof. Emeritus at San Jose State University in California
"This introductory circuits text presents a more complete coverage of operational amplifiers than other such texts, providing theoretical and practical information needed by today's electrical engineers." -- John Hauser, Prof. at North Carolina State University
"Glisson's text does a great job of combining fundamental concepts, clear explanations and practical applications of the introductory circuits material." -- John Trussell, Prof. at North Carolina State University
"This introductory circuits text presents a more complete coverage of operational amplifiers than other such texts, providing theoretical and practical information needed by today's electrical engineers." -- John Hauser, Prof. at North Carolina State University
"Glisson's text does a great job of combining fundamental concepts, clear explanations and practical applications of the introductory circuits material." -- John Trussell, Prof. at North Carolina State University
A strength of the book is its practical flavor. Without doubt, this will make it appealing to students.
Art Davis, Prof. Emeritus at San Jose State University in California
This introductory circuits text presents a more complete coverage of operational amplifiers than other such texts, providing theoretical and practical information needed by today's electrical engineers.
John Hauser, Prof. at North Carolina State University
Glisson's text does a great job of combining fundamental concepts, clear explanations and practical applications of the introductory circuits material.
John Trussell, Prof. at North Carolina State University
Art Davis, Prof. Emeritus at San Jose State University in California
This introductory circuits text presents a more complete coverage of operational amplifiers than other such texts, providing theoretical and practical information needed by today's electrical engineers.
John Hauser, Prof. at North Carolina State University
Glisson's text does a great job of combining fundamental concepts, clear explanations and practical applications of the introductory circuits material.
John Trussell, Prof. at North Carolina State University