Himani BannerjiInventing Subjects
Studies in Hegemony, Patriarchy and Colonialism
Himani Bannerji is Associate Professor of Sociology at York University, Toronto, Canada, and has an active research and teaching connection with India, especially West Bengal, through the School of Women's Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Inventing Subject: An Introduction
Writing 'India', Doing 'Ideology': William Jones' Construction of India as an Ideological Category
Beyond the Ruling Category to What Actually Happens: Notes on James Mill's Historiography in 'The History of British India'
Age of Consent and Hegemonic Social Reform
Attired in Virtue: Discourse on Shame (lajja) and Clothing of the Gentlewoman (bhadramahila) in Colonial Bengal
Fashioning a Self: Educational Proposals for and by Women in Popular Magazines in Colonial Bengal
Re-Generation: Mothers and Daughters in Bengal's Literary Space