The didactic sequence was structured according to the assumptions of a dialogical problematising pedagogy, following Delizoicov's methodological model of the Three Pedagogical Moments (TMP). The activities were designed to provide investigative teaching within a CTSA (Science, Technology, Society and Environment) approach. It was possible to see, with the application of the didactic sequence, an evident dialogical interaction between teacher and student, permeating moments in which the students were able to expose their ideas and question in a way that enabled a collaborative, participatory and dialogical environment. It was observed that the didactic sequence also achieved the objectives of scientific literacy, in order to establish a relationship between everyday and scientific knowledge. In this context, investigative activities are a great resource for guiding the teaching-learning process and are enriched when they are aimed at training participatory citizens who are capableof establishing relationships between scientific knowledge, the technologies associated with this knowledge and the consequences of this knowledge for society.