Understanding of ion dynamics, particularly, in ion conducting disordered materials is a challenging problem for last couple of decades. This monograph deals with the ion dynamics in a simple ion conducting glass forming fragile calcium nitrate-potassium nitrate (CKN) salt above and below its glass transition temperature. The ion dynamics, properties of fragility and coupled-to-decoupled transition in this system have been described using simple and physically meaningful MIGRATION concept. The electrical conductivity has been probed using broadband conductivity spectroscopy employing impedance, radiowave and microwave measurement techniques. Maxwell s equations have been used to describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves through coaxial and rectangular waveguides at high frequencies. Shear viscosity has also been measured in order to correlate the effect of structural changes on conductivity. The book should be a valuable reference for materials science and technology related disciplines in general, and for the researches in the field of ion dynamics of disordered structure materials in particular. A background of post-graduation level in science or engineering is presumed.