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The current media landscape is changing and growing at a fast pace which is increasingly affecting the school sector. Numerous schools all over the world have already focused on the value added to lessons by tablet computers, such as Apple's iPad. A myriad of learning applications and ways to transfer subject matters are provided on and through such devices. However, at the present time, there is little experience with respect to the didactically reasonable inclusion of tablets in schools. Therefore, the motivation of this book, which is based on a diploma thesis, is to provide a general…mehr

The current media landscape is changing and growing at a fast pace which is increasingly affecting the school sector. Numerous schools all over the world have already focused on the value added to lessons by tablet computers, such as Apple's iPad. A myriad of learning applications and ways to transfer subject matters are provided on and through such devices. However, at the present time, there is little experience with respect to the didactically reasonable inclusion of tablets in schools. Therefore, the motivation of this book, which is based on a diploma thesis, is to provide a general overview of the didactical integration of tablets, in this case, Apple's iPad. Within a field experiment educational apps are being tested and evaluated according to the Austrian curriculum for foreign languages as well as iOS Human Interface Guidelines that focus on user interface and user experience.
Huber, Sabrina
Sabrina Huber studied Computer Science Management and English (as a degree student in a teacher training programme) at the University of Technology of Graz and University of GrazEbner, Martin
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Ebner ist Leiter der Abteilung Lehr- und Lerntechnologien an der Technischen Universität Graz und ist dort für sämtliche E-Learning-Belange zuständig. Weiters forscht und lehrt er als Bildungsinformatiker am Institut für Interactive Systems and Data Science rund um technologiegestütztes Lernen. Seine Schwerpunkte sind e-Learning, m-learning, Social Media, Learning Analytics, informatische Grundbildung und Open Educational Resources. Er bloggt unter und weitere Details finden Sie unter http://www.martinebner.atSchön, Sandra
Dr. Sandra Schön ist Erziehungswissenschaftlerin, forscht bei der Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft zu innovativen Formen des Lernens und des Arbeitens mit dem Web und leitet beim BIMS e.V. unregelmäßig medienpädagogische Projekte. Ihr Fokus liegt auf Technologien, Materialien und Werkzeugen, die unkompliziert und kostenfrei nutzbar sowie im besten Fall offen zugänglich sind - allem voran offene Bildungsressourcen. Details unter: