Ten thousand years in the future humanity has successfully colonized the Milky Way galaxy. Humanity has created the Galactic Republic to defend their liberties, protect their culture and way-of-life, and maintain peace throughout the galaxy. Unknown to humanity, an alien conspiracy from beyond the galaxy has infiltrated their civilization and slowly seizing power over the Republic's deep state. The alien parasites secretly abduct mankind's bodies and destroys their souls. Senator Sept Racher discovers that there something serious wrong in the highest institutions of the Republic. He creates the Human Renaissance Movement to discover who or what is undermining the Republic's institutions, but before can act, he and his wife are killed by government security forces. His son Stahl, barely escapes and is saved by a secret order of mystics who guard the secret of Vril. They heal Stahl's injuries and teach him in the ways of Vril. Stahl is reborn and leads a rebellion against the alien deep state.
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