Have you ever asked yourself the following questions: Why are we here on earth? Is there really a supreme being whom created the universe? When we die, do we rot in a grave, or is there a Heaven? In addition, if our loved ones whom crossed over go to heaven, is there a way to communicate with them? Are we the only life created by God, or are there others like us? Have you ever wondered if the Supernatural, Psychics, Mediums and Channels relates to God? The story your about to reads is a true story. It is about the author's Never Ending Journey of Life. Everyone is on his and hers own Journey of Life. People that we meet and the places that we visit are all part of a lesson. What is this lesson we are learning about? To be one with God. Forget reality when reading Is There More To Life Than What We Know? It might answer those "what if" questions; it will make you think twice about life. Remember to have an open mind and ask yourself can this be true? Listen to your inner voice, you might hear the word "yes."