Die erste Bild-Monografie über den koreanisch-deutschen Komponisten Isang Yun, der 1917 im Süden Koreas geboren wurde und 1995 in Berlin gestorben ist. Erst in Deutschland fand er unter dem Einfluss der damaligen Avantgarde um 1960 zu seiner eigenen, individuellen Musiksprache. Wenig später wurde Yun in das Spannungsfeld hineingezogen zwischen politischer Parteinahme aus humanitären, gesellschaftlichen Motiven und ideologischer Verhetzung, zwischen Haft, Folter und Wiedergutmachung. In der kompositorischen Arbeit fand er einen Zufluchtsort. Seine Musik geht aus vom Primat des Melodischen und des lang gezogenen Tons, den er in der traditionellen Musik seiner Heimat vorgefunden hatte und den er heterophon zu vervielfältigen und zu verräumlichen verstand. Entstanden sind Werke von ungewöhnlicher Intensität und klangfarblichem Reichtum.
This book is the first pictorial monograph about the Korean-German composer Isang Yun, who was born in southern Korea in 1917 and died in Berlin in 1995. It was first in Germany, with influence from what around 1960 was then the avant-garde that he developed an individual musical language of his own. A little later Yun was drawn into the field of tension between political advocacy motivated by humanitarian, societal concerns and responding to ideological incitement, between imprisonment, torture, and reparation. It was in his compositional work that he found a place of refuge. His music proceeds from the primacy of melody and the sustained tone, which he found preformed in the traditional music of his native Korea and then succeeded in developing heterophonically and spatially. The resultant works were characterized by unusual intensity and rich tone colors.
This book is the first pictorial monograph about the Korean-German composer Isang Yun, who was born in southern Korea in 1917 and died in Berlin in 1995. It was first in Germany, with influence from what around 1960 was then the avant-garde that he developed an individual musical language of his own. A little later Yun was drawn into the field of tension between political advocacy motivated by humanitarian, societal concerns and responding to ideological incitement, between imprisonment, torture, and reparation. It was in his compositional work that he found a place of refuge. His music proceeds from the primacy of melody and the sustained tone, which he found preformed in the traditional music of his native Korea and then succeeded in developing heterophonically and spatially. The resultant works were characterized by unusual intensity and rich tone colors.