Set in the tea estates of Valparai, Tamil Nadu, Ivory Imprint begins with a violent encounter between an ostracised elephant and an unnamed individual, leaving him injured and speechless. Dr Malovika, an ecological sciences professor from IISc Bangalore, arrives in Valparai for research but mysteriously avoids involving herself with the case, even after recognising the victim as Aarohan, her childhood crush. Instead, she sends Mayank, a mutual friend, to investigate. Mayank is shocked to find Aarohan, once vibrant and full of life, in a pitiful state with no memory of his past. Aarohan's trauma stems from his role in a road accident that killed his parents. Straying into obscurity, he is now reduced to an "idiot savant," experiencing vivid dreams with apparent psychic abilities. These dreams, rich in detail and narrative, act as windows into his fragmented psyche, revealing profound truths through interconnected tales reminiscent of Vetaal Pachishi. Desperate to help, Mayank turns to Manasi Sundari, a reclusive spiritual seeker. Meanwhile, Malovika wrestles with her advocacy for elephants and personal challenges from her past. Aarohan's journey draws in a diverse cast of characters, each contributing their own struggles and stories to the narrative: Veena, an aspiring Bollywood actress turned successful scriptwriter mentored by Fanish, a renowned but creatively blocked scriptwriter. Fanish journeys to Port Blair to seek inspiration, intertwining his quest with a therapeutic suggestion for Aarohan's recovery. Irving, a former sports teacher who has been navigating the line between sanity and madness, believes in divine intervention as a path to healing. As this eclectic group converges in Port Blair, their clashing beliefs and motives give rise to tensions but also fuel a collective effort to aid Aarohan. This shared determination drives Aarohan's remarkable transformation, setting the stage for dramatic events and existential reflections on fate, spirituality, and human connection. The recurring motif of the elephant weaves throughout the story, embodying a spectrum of meanings-from innocence and mischief to danger and introspection. It serves as a playful kite, a Hollywood star, and a predator symbolising Aarohan's internal and external struggle. Through its rich narrative tapestry, Ivory Imprint transcends a simple literary experiment. It explores the boundaries between dreams and reality, human resilience, and the mystical, culminating in a powerful tale of convalescence and self-discovery.
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