INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Abbildungsverzeichnis ............................................................................................................... VII Siglenverzeichnis ........................................................................................................................ XI Artikel Christoph Begass, Der Brief des Paulos Helladikos (CPG 7531). Autor, Datierung und Kontext ................................................................................................................................... 1 Petros Bouras-Vallianatos, A new witness to Michael Psellos’ poem “On Medicine” (“De medicina”) .............................................................................................................................. 9 Christian Gastgeber, Das Dossier der documenta byzantina des 2. Konzils von Lyon (1274). Ein bislang unbekannter Rotulus aus dem Umfeld eines Konzilsteilnehmers, des Salzburger Erzbischofs Friedrich von Walchen (mit einer Textabbildung) ............................................. 13 Adam Izdebski – Grzegorz Koloch – Tymon Słoczyński, Exploring Byzantine and Ottoman economic history with the use of palynological data: a quantitative approach (with one map and 32 figures) ........................................................................................................................ 67 Dirk Krausmüller, Diorasis denied. Opposition to clairvoyance in Byzantium from late Antiquity to the eleventh century .................................................................................................. 111 Katrien Lev rie, La Syllogè contre les Latins de Théodore Agallianos. Édition critique ............ 129 Dimitrios Liakos, The Byzantine bell-tower in Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos (1427). The sculpted decoration and its significance (with 24 figures) .............................................. 153 Charis Messis – Ingela Nilsson, Constantin Manassès, La description d’un petit homme. Introduction, texte, traduction et commentaires ............................................................................ 169 Johannes Preiser-Kape ller, A collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean? New results and theories on the interplay between climate and societies in Byzantium and the Near East, ca. 1000–1200 AD. (with seven appendices, including three tables and 33 figures) ................... 195 Alexander Riehle, Epistolographie und Astronomie in der frühen Palaiologenzeit. Ein bislang unedierter Brief des Nikolaos Rhabdas an Andronikos Zarides aus dem Jahr 1321 .............. 243 Besprechungen Guerre et société au Moyen Âge. Byzance – Occident (VIIIe–XIIIe siècle), éd. D. Barthélemy – J.-C. Cheynet (Ewald Kislinger) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 253 Floris Bernard, Writing and Reading Byzantine Secular Poetry, 1025–1081 (Andreas Rhoby) .......................................... 257 Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-Century Byzantium, ed. F. Bernard – K. Demoen (Nikolaos Zagklas) ..................... 259 Penelope Buck ley, The Alexiad of Anna Komnene. Artistic Strategy in the Making of a Myth (Alexander Riehle) ........ 262 Oliver Gerlach, Studies of the Dark Continent in European Music History. Collected Essays on Traditions of Religious Chant in the Balkans (Gerda Wolfram) .......................................................................................................................... 264 Bettina Krönung, Gottes Werk und Teufels Wirken. Traum, Vision. Imagination in der frühbyzantinischen monastischen Literatur (Stavroula Constantinou) ................................................................................................................................. 265 «L’éducation au gouvernement et à la vie». La tradition des «règles de vie» de l’antiquité au moyen âge: Colloque international – Pise, 18 et 19 mars 2005, organisé par l’École Normale Supérieure de Pise et le Centre d‘études byzantines, néo-helléniques et sud-est européennes de l’E.H.E.S.S. Actes, sous la direction de Paolo Odorico (Günter Prinzing) ........................................................................................................................................................... 266 Iliana Paraske uopoulou, Το αγιολογικό και ομιλητικό έργο του Νικηφόρου Γρηγορά (Divna Manolova) ....................... 269 Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks, eds. S. Redford – N. Ergin (Andreas Rhoby) ................. 272 Roger Scott, Byzantine Chronicles and the Sixth Century (Erika Juhász) ......................................................................... 273 VI Inhaltsverzeichnis Nina-Maria Wanek , Sticheraria in spät- und postbyzantinischer Zeit: Untersuchungen anhand der Stichera für August (Gerda Wolfram) ............................................................................................................................................................. 275 Rainer Warland, Byzantinisches Kappadokien (Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger) ................................................................. 275 Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae ....................................................................................... 279 Verzeichnis der MitarbeiterInnen dieses Bandes......................................................................... 283
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