Im Zentrum des Jahrbuchs stehen landesgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Gebieten östlich von Elbe und Saale, die im Zuge der mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung entstanden und später im preußischen Staat aufgingen. Rechtsund Verfassungsgeschichte, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Gesellschafts-, Kultur- und Kirchengeschichte kommen hier ebenso zum Zuge wie geschichtswissenschaftliche Nachbardisziplinen. Rezensionsteil und Zeitschriftenschau spiegeln den aktuellen Forschungsstand der Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Landesgeschichte wider.
This yearbook is dedicated to the examination of the history of the areas east of the Elbe and Saale rivers. These areas became established during the medieval German eastward expansion and were later absorbed into the Prussian state. The subjects covered include the legal, constitutional, economic, social, cultural and religious history of the areas, as well as those relating to neighbouring disciplines of historical science. The reviews section and journal digest reflects the current status of research on Brandenburg and Prussian regional history.
This yearbook is dedicated to the examination of the history of the areas east of the Elbe and Saale rivers. These areas became established during the medieval German eastward expansion and were later absorbed into the Prussian state. The subjects covered include the legal, constitutional, economic, social, cultural and religious history of the areas, as well as those relating to neighbouring disciplines of historical science. The reviews section and journal digest reflects the current status of research on Brandenburg and Prussian regional history.