Der vorliegende 11. Band eines der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Periodika zur Wissenschaftsethik befasst sich mit folgenden Themen: bioethische Konsensfindung in Europa, Stammzellforschung und Embryonenschutz vor dem Hintergrund neuer Gewinnungsverfahren von ES-Zellen, Gentherapie im Spannungsfeld von Humanexperiment und Heilversuch, Verwendung menschlicher Körpermaterialien, gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen, Enhancement und Suizidverhütung. Neben Beiträgen und Berichten enthält der Band zentrale wissenschaftsethische Dokumente nationaler und internationaler Organisationen aus dem Berichtszeitraum.
This 11th volume of one of the most important German-language periodicals on ethics in science deals with the following topics: the search for a bio-ethic consensus in Europe, stem-cell research and embryo protection against the background of new processes for harvesting ES cells (embryonic stem-cells), gene therapy between the conflicting priorities of human experiments and attempts at healing, the use of human organ material, genetically modified plants, enhancement and the prevention of suicide. Apart from papers and reports, the volume contains key documents on ethics in science published by national and international organisations during the reporting period.
This 11th volume of one of the most important German-language periodicals on ethics in science deals with the following topics: the search for a bio-ethic consensus in Europe, stem-cell research and embryo protection against the background of new processes for harvesting ES cells (embryonic stem-cells), gene therapy between the conflicting priorities of human experiments and attempts at healing, the use of human organ material, genetically modified plants, enhancement and the prevention of suicide. Apart from papers and reports, the volume contains key documents on ethics in science published by national and international organisations during the reporting period.