Jane and the Dragon is a CGI animated series based on the books of the same name by Martin Baynton. The show is directed by Mike Fallows and motion capture directed by Peter Salmon, it is co-produced by Weta Workshop (as Weta Productions) in New Zealand and Nelvana Limited in Canada. The series follows the comedic exploits of Jane, an adolescent girl training to be a knight, and her friend, Dragon, a talking, flying, 300-year-old, fire-breathing dragon. The program originally aired on YTV in Canada and on ABC in Australia. Since September 2006, it has also been running as part of the qubo block on NBC, i/Ion and Telemundo and can be seen on Five in the UK. In American broadcasts, it bears the E/I bug. According to an announcement made by Corus Entertainment on June 13, 2006, a second season of thirteen new episodes was to premiere sometime in 2007 on YTV. So far, this has not been fulfilled.