When you need quick answers for developing or debugging Java programs, this pocket guide provides a handy reference to the standard features of the Java programming language and its platform. You ll find helpful programming examples, tables, figures, and lists, as well as supplemental information about topics including the Java Scripting API, third-party tools, and the basics of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Updated for new features through Java SE 7, this little book is an ideal companion, whether you re in the office, in the lab, or on the road. Quickly find Java language details,…mehr
When you need quick answers for developing or debugging Java programs, this pocket guide provides a handy reference to the standard features of the Java programming language and its platform. You ll find helpful programming examples, tables, figures, and lists, as well as supplemental information about topics including the Java Scripting API, third-party tools, and the basics of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Updated for new features through Java SE 7, this little book is an ideal companion, whether you re in the office, in the lab, or on the road. Quickly find Java language details, such as naming conventions, fundamental types, and object-oriented programming elements Get details on the Java SE 7 platform, including development basics, memory management, concurrency, and generics Browse through basic information on NIO 2.0, the G1 Garbage Collector, and Project Coin (JSR-334) features Get supplemental references to development, CM, and test tools; libraries; IDEs; and Java-related scripting languages Find information to help you prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer I exam
Robert LIguori an Oracle Certified Java Profession and a software developer / test engineer for several Java-based air traffic management applications. Patricia Liguori, a multi-disciplinary information systems engineer, has been developing real-time air traffic management systems and aviation related information systems since 1994.
Preface Book Structure Conventions Used in This Book Authors Safari® Books Online How to Contact Us Second Edition Acknowledgments Language Chapter 1: Naming Conventions 1.1 Class Names 1.2 Interface Names 1.3 Method Names 1.4 Instance and Static Variable Names 1.5 Parameter and Local Variable Names 1.6 Generic Type Parameter Names 1.7 Constant Names 1.8 Enumeration Names 1.9 Package Names 1.10 Acronyms Chapter 2: Lexical Elements 2.1 Unicode and ASCII 2.2 Comments 2.3 Keywords 2.4 Identifiers 2.5 Separators 2.6 Operators 2.7 Literals 2.8 Escape Sequences 2.9 Unicode Currency Symbols Chapter 3: Fundamental Types 3.1 Primitive Types 3.2 Literals for Primitive Types 3.3 Floating-Point Entities 3.4 Numeric Promotion of Primitive Types 3.5 Wrapper Classes 3.6 Autoboxing and Unboxing Chapter 4: Reference Types 4.1 Comparing Reference Types to Primitive Types 4.2 Default Values 4.3 Conversion of Reference Types 4.4 Converting Between Primitives and Reference Types 4.5 Passing Reference Types into Methods 4.6 Comparing Reference Types 4.7 Copying Reference Types 4.8 Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection of Reference Types Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming 5.1 Classes and Objects 5.2 Variable-Length Argument Lists 5.3 Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods 5.4 Static Data Members, Static Methods, Static Constants, and Static Initializers 5.5 Interfaces 5.6 Enumerations 5.7 Annotation Types Chapter 6: Statements and Blocks 6.1 Expression Statements 6.2 Empty Statement 6.3 Blocks 6.4 Conditional Statements 6.5 Iteration Statements 6.6 Transfer of Control 6.7 Synchronized Statement 6.8 Assert Statement 6.9 Exception Handling Statements Chapter 7: Exception Handling 7.1 The Exception Hierarchy 7.2 Checked/Unchecked Exceptions and Errors 7.3 Common Checked/Unchecked Exceptions and Errors 7.4 Exception Handling Keywords 7.5 The Exception Handling Process 7.6 Defining Your Own Exception Class 7.7 Printing Information About Exceptions Chapter 8: Java Modifiers 8.1 Access Modifiers 8.2 Other (Nonaccess) Modifiers Platform Chapter 9: Java Platform, SE 9.1 Common Java SE API Libraries Chapter 10: Development Basics 10.1 Java Runtime Environment 10.2 Java Development Kit 10.3 Java Program Structure 10.4 Command-Line Tools 10.5 Classpath Chapter 11: Memory Management 11.1 Garbage Collectors 11.2 Memory Management Tools 11.3 Command-Line Options 11.4 Resizing the JVM Heap 11.5 Interfacing with the GC Chapter 12: Basic Input and Output 12.1 Standard Streams in, out, and err 12.2 Class Hierarchy for Basic Input and Output 12.3 File Reading and Writing 12.4 Socket Reading and Writing 12.5 Serialization 12.6 Zipping and Unzipping Files 12.7 File and Directory Handling Chapter 13: NIO 2.0 Quicklook 13.1 The Path Interface 13.2 The Files Class 13.3 Additional Features Chapter 14: Concurrency 14.1 Creating Threads 14.2 Thread States 14.3 Thread Priorities 14.4 Common Methods 14.5 Synchronization 14.6 Concurrent Utilities Chapter 15: Java Collections Framework 15.1 The Collection Interface 15.2 Implementations 15.3 Collection Framework Methods 15.4 Collections Class Algorithms 15.5 Algorithm Efficiencies 15.6 Comparator Interface Chapter 16: Generics Framework 16.1 Generic Classes and Interfaces 16.2 Constructors with Generics 16.3 Substitution Principle 16.4 Type Parameters, Wildcards, and Bounds 16.5 The Get and Put Principle 16.6 Generic Specialization 16.7 Generic Methods in Raw Types Chapter 17: The Java Scripting API 17.1 Scripting Languages 17.2 Script Engine Implementations 17.3 Setting Up Scripting Languages and Engines Appendixes Third-Party Tools Development, CM, and Test Tools Libraries Integrated Development Environments Web Application Platforms Scripting Languages (JSR-223 compatible) UML Basics Class Diagrams Object Diagrams Graphical Icon Representation Connectors Multiplicity Indicators Role Names Class Relationships Sequence Diagrams