Jay and Silent Bob are fictional characters portrayed by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith, respectively, in Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse, a fictional universe created and used in most films, comics and television by Kevin Smith, which began in Clerks. Jay and Silent Bob have appeared in most of Smith's films with the exceptions being Jersey Girl and Zack and Miri Make a Porno. They are drug dealers, mainly marijuana, who spend most of their time standing in front of stores selling their product. This was only changed once in Clerks: The Animated Series, in which they were turned into illegal fireworks salesmen, with no mention made of their drug habits. The duo express a great interest in John Hughes' films such as Sixteen Candles, the movie Purple Rain, the heavy metal musician King Diamond, the funk and dance-pop ensemble Morris Day and the Time and Canadian "melo-drama" television shows such as Degrassi High.