This book highlights the overall picture of Job Satisfaction and Teaching Effectiveness of B.Ed. College Teacher Educators. It is very well known fact that the quality of teaching depends upon active, dedicated and satisfied teachers. The teachers who are satisfied with their job can perform their responsibilities with more concentration and devotion. It is an established fact that a satisfied teacher puts his/ her best efforts to make teaching more effective. Job Satisfaction positively influences the teachers' performance, students' achievement, organizational commitment and as well as work motivation. It is stated that Job Satisfaction is good not only for employees, but employers too. It increases productivity and decreases staff turnover within an organization or institution. It definitely promotes happiness, success and efficiency in one's professional activity and also helps in developing a happy and congenial working atmosphere in the workplace. But on the other hand, Jobdissatisfaction leads to reduce the level of performance of an employee. Not only this, but also it increases the rate of turnover and turnover intentions or tendencies and also leads to absenteeism.