In a context where pastors who were supposed to be models of Christ, have shone by diverting the purpose of their ministry by arrogating to themselves the role that was not theirs. Instead of maintaining the prophetic role, "men of God" have left out what God has called them to do and become preoccupied with political affairs, taking many sheep (Christians) and even unbelievers with them. How could the ministry of John the Baptist serve as a model for the ministries of pastors in Côte d'Ivoire in such a political-spiritual environment?...Times are bad and the ministries of Jesus Christ must redouble their efforts before His return which is imminent in view of the signs throughout the world. The preachers faithful to their vocation must persevere in the accomplishment of their tasks being themselves models of piety for their faithful and for the Ivorians. Certainly, everyone is not John the Baptist, moreover that is impossible; each one being unique; but everyone can follow the model of John.The suffering ministries, if they have one day received a vocation, should they not question themselves, repent...?