Derek Beales is Emeritus Professor of Modern History at the University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. His previous publications include Joseph II. Volume I: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741-80 (Cambridge University Press, 1987), Prosperity and Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of Revolution, 1650-1810 (Cambridge University Press, 2003) and Enlightenment and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Europe (2005).
Introduction; 1. Joseph
his ministers
the court and the constitution; 2. The first six months: Josephism intensified (29 November 1780 to 22 May 1781); 3. Foreign policy and the Russian alliance
1780-2; 4. Joseph's visit to Belgium
the Dutch Republic and France
May-August 1781; 5. Toleration of Protestants
Greek Orthodox and Jews; 6. The Pope's visit to Vienna (22 March-22 April 1782); 7. Joseph and the peasants
1780-1785/6; 8. Josephism rampant I: monasteries
general seminaries and parishes; 9. Josephism rampant II: lay education and a new Catholicism; 10. 'The Lion's Claws Bared'
1782-4; 11. Foreign policy
1782-6: The Scheldt
the 'Greek Project' and the Crimea
the Dutch 'War' and the Bavarian Exchange; 12. Joseph as Emperor; 13. Joseph in Vienna: his routine and his impact
especially on music; 14. 'Just One Body
Uniformly Governed': Hungary
the Tyrol
Italy and Belgium
1784-7; 15. Joseph's Enlightenment: freemasonry
law reform and police; 16. War against the Turks
August 1787-December 1788; 17. Rebellion
victory and death
January 1789-February 1790; Conclusion.