Baruch Fischhoff is Howard Heinz University Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Department of Engineering and Public Policy.
1. Judgment and Decision Making 2. Amos Tversky 3. Hindsight Foresight: The
Effect of Outcome Knowledge on Judgment Under Uncertainty 4. For those
Condemned to Study the Past: Reflections on Historical Judgment 5. The
Early History of Hindsight Research 6. Hypothesis Evaluation from a
Bayesian Perspective 7. Knowing with Certainty: The Appropriateness of
Extreme Confidence 8. Fault Trees: Sensitivity of Assessed Failure
Probabilities to Problem Representation 9. Assessing Uncertainty in
Physical Constants 10. Fifty/Fifty = 50? 11. Predicting Frames 12. Value
Elicitation: Is there Anything in there? 13. Informed Consent in Eliciting
Environmental Values 14. Giving Advice: Decision Theory Perspectives on
Sexual Assault 15. The Real World: What Good is it? 16. Assessing
Adolescent Decision-making Competence 17. Questions of Competence: The Duty
to Inform and the Limits to Choice 18. From Behavioral Decision Theory to
Behavioral Decision Research