This book analyzes the representation of the superheroes in the animated film Justice League (DC Comics, 2001) regarding the anti-terrorist discourse. This cartoon has as main characters some of the most established superheroes such as: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, among others. This animation is broadcasted in open television in Brazil, a fact that amplifies even more its diffusion in our society. Considering that this animation was broadcasted on television in the year that one of the greatest terrorist attacks occurred: the fall of the World Trade Center in 2001, we intend to make a quantitative analysis, in relation to the number of episodes with an anti-terrorist theme, and a qualitative analysis, analyzing the form of discourse, the aesthetics, and the character in which it was involved. In this way, this book conducts a case study on the before and after the so-called "9/11", using the aforementioned animation as a source of analysis.