In the year 2091, the crew of Starship Destiny landed on Kairos, an unexplored planet around a distant star. They began exploring their new home with a driving desire to establish a home for themselves. They were challenged by many strange and vicious animals in this unchartered land. Fifteen years later, they anxiously awaited the arrival of the first colony ship. An attempt by a tyrannical organization on Earth to sabotage Colony One had failed. A year later, Colony Two brought word that the Merrill Corporation, the original designers and financial sponsors of the Destiny project, has an uncertain future. Earth was rapidly becoming an autocratic state. Shortly after the arrival of Colony Seven in 2112, an armada arrived with the remnants of the Merrill Corporation. Enduring the dangers that this new territory presented, the humans continued to explore their new homeland and entertain dreams to again expand into space.
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