Title: Kalani: Shadows of Destiny In a world where ancient prophecies collide with the tumultuous forces of fate, Desiree and Zach find themselves at the heart of a cosmic struggle between The Army of Awry and The Army of Magnar. As they navigate through the immortal world of Kalani, they are torn between love, loyalty, and their past. As they set off on separate journeys, their stories become ones of self-discovery that unravels and challenges their concepts of realty and faith. Each torn between letting their past go, in order to accept an unknown destiny. Kalani: Shadows of Destiny is the premiere novel in the science-fiction Fostering Worlds series. It is a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and the eternal battle between good and evil. Get ready to be transported to a world of breathtaking landscapes, heart-pounding adventures, and emotionally driven characters that will leave and indelible mark on your soul. Join Desiree and Zach as they embark on the ultimate test of faith.
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