Kamen Rider BLACK (BLACK, Kamen Raid Burakku?), translated as Masked Rider BLACK, is a tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the eighth installment in the famous Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu shows. It is a joint collaboration between Ishinomori Productions and Toei, and aired on the Mainichi Broadcasting System and the Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 4, 1987 to October 9, 1988, with a total of 51 episodes. With its very dramatic storyline and its twist of the Kamen Rider having a tragic relationship with his arch-nemesis, the installment not only became very popular in Japan, but also in the several other countries where it was aired. The series is often regarded as a classic and is considered by many as the best Kamen Rider show of the late 80s. Kamen Rider BLACK RX was a direct sequel to this series. A manga novelization of the series is entitled Kamen Rider Black (Black, Kamen Raid Burakku?).