High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Kanon anime, which encompasses two television series produced by different studios and an original video animation, is based on the visual novel Kanon by the Japanese software company Key. The story follows the main character Yuichi Aizawa, who has returned to the town where seven years ago he would spend his school vacations. As he used to do back then, he is living with his aunt Akiko Minase and his cousin Nayuki, but has forgotten many of the details regarding his previous visits. Over the course of the series Yuichi slowly regains these memories as he meets new friends and is reacquainted with others from his past. Thirteen episodes were produced for the first Kanon anime series by Toei Animation and directed by Takamichi Ito. The episodes were broadcast between January and March 2002, and were later released to Region 2 DVD between April and October 2002 by Frontier Works.