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"If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you'll love Karaoke Capitalism. Weird? Most certainly. Different? Most definitely. But, if you want to re-imagine your organization and your career it's a thought-provoking place to start." Tom Peters
The creators will thrive at the expense of the copycats. Express yourself.
In the long-awaited follow up to their internationally acclaimed Funky Business, Kjell Nordström and Jonas RidderstrΣle have delivered a thought-provoking, workout for the wits in Karaoke Capitalism. A book that challenges individuals, businesses and nations to create

"If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you'll love Karaoke Capitalism. Weird? Most certainly. Different? Most definitely. But, if you want to re-imagine your organization and your career it's a thought-provoking place to start."
Tom Peters

The creators will thrive at the expense of the copycats. Express yourself.

In the long-awaited follow up to their internationally acclaimed Funky Business, Kjell Nordström and Jonas RidderstrΣle have delivered a thought-provoking, workout for the wits in Karaoke Capitalism. A book that challenges individuals, businesses and nations to create originals rather than cover versions. Management guru Tom Peters said "If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you’ll love Karaoke Capitalism."

The karaoke economy is dominated by individuals with endless choice. The trouble for business is that the karaoke club is also home to institutionalized imitation. Copy-cats abound. Only imagination and innovation place societies, organizations and individuals center-stage.

Karaoke Capitalism is a call to arms. Kjell and Jonas are rebels with a cause. With their unorthodox combination of academic rigor, forceful logic and funky free-thinking they once again re-write the rules for revolutionaries. This is a true work-out for the wits.

The book teaches us how to successfully compete on competencies, create capitalism with character, and how to have a great life while also making a living. It is required reading for all those wanting to be a first-rate version of themselves rather than a second-rate version of someone else.

Karaoke Capitalism - create or cover?

Karaoke Capitalism is a hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxies of business. and practice is that business schools, benchmarking and best practice have transformed the entire world of commerce into a super-group of karaoke copying companies. And imitating someone else will never get you to the top – merely to the middle.

Our societies are shaped by the glorious trio of technologies, institutions and galaxies of commerce. It is a book about people – management for mankind – the individuals prepared to grasp the microphone and express themselves. You have the rights. Now, you must learn to live them.

The karaoke reality is a cosmopolitan club with endless individual choice but also a paltry place for institutionalized imitation. The dirty little secret of management theory values. Changes have now made abnormal the new normal. The bubble economy has given way to the double economy. Forget about appealing to the average. Success is a question of exploring the extremes.

Corporations are no longer in control. Modern companies are facing the prospects of a two-front war: held hostage by talent and under siege by consumers. The winners know that wealth is created with wisdom, but to remain competitive they are forced

to create knowledge networks that pose new and fundamentally different demands on the organization.

In a world of economic Darwinism, survival is a question of being fit or sexy – competing on models and moods. Fitness boils down to using market imperfections to your advantage. Masters of mood exploit the imperfections of man by seducing or sedating consumer. Excellent companies re-invent innovation and re-energize the corporation.

To develop the character of capitalism we have to accept individual responsibility. Look inside. Do you want to be a first-rate version of yourself or a second-rate version of someone else?

"The Swedish economists, who shot to the top of the management guru charts in 2001 with their era-defining book, Funky Business, are back" Director magazine

Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas Ridderstrale Dr. Jonas Ridderstrale and Dr. Kjell A Nordström are at the forefront of the new generation of business gurus. They cut through the madness and hyperbole surrounding the economy and their appeal is truly global. Jonas and Kjell have been featured on CNN and CNBC. They have appeared in Fortune, Fast Company, Time Magazine, Financial Times, Paris Match, and many other publications worldwide. The 2003 Thinkers 50, the bi-annual ranking of management thinkers, ranked Nordström and RidderstrΣle at number 21.

Kjell’s and Jonas’ uncompromising and decidedly fresh take on contemporary business life makes them two of the world’s most sought after speakers. They also practice what they so persuasively preach. From their Stockholm base, Jonas and Kjell act as advisors and consultants to a number of multi- national corporations and are on the board of several companies.

They both hold PhDs in international business from the Stockholm School of Economics and have been recognized as Sweden’s outstanding young academics of the year.

Their previous book, Funky Business: Talent makes capital dance quickly became an international bestseller, selling more than 250,000 copies. The book was recently ranked at number 16 in a survey of the greatest business books of all time.

Praise for Funky Business

"Funky Business is the antidote to bland writing and bland thinking." Tom Peters

"It's the best un-businesslike business book I have ever read ....Funky Business is less of a business handbook and more of a religion. It should be treated like a chain letter - read it and pass it onto 10 other people." (or even better, tell 10 other people to buy it) . - Human Resources

"Funky Business is a better book than most novels but it is not for bedtime. It will jerk you out of your complacency and make you question your very existence. It will transform your brain." - Customer Management

"Funky Business is rigorously researched, witty and intelligent, and overflows with provocative ideas." Business Voice

"Funky Business - the groovy bible of modern business philosophy" - Red magazine

Product Description
If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you'll love Karaoke Capitalism. Weird? Most certainly. Different? Most definitely. But, if you want to re-imagine your organization and your career it's a thought-provoking place to start.
Tom Peters

The creators will thrive at the expense of the copycats. Express yourself.

In the long-awaited follow up to their internationally acclaimed Funky Business, Kjell Nordström and Jonas RidderstrSle have delivered a thought-provoking, workout for the wits in Karaoke Capitalism. A book that challenges individuals, businesses and nations to create originals rather than cover versions. Management guru Tom Peters said If you loved Funky Business as much as I did, you'll love Karaoke Capitalism.

The karaoke economy is dominated by individuals with endless choice. The trouble for business is that the karaoke club is also home to institutionalized imitation. Copy-cats abound. Only imagination and innovation place societies, organizations and individuals center-stage.

Karaoke Capitalism is a call to arms. Kjell and Jonas are rebels with a cause. With their unorthodox combination of academic rigor, forceful logic and funky free-thinking they once again re-write the rules for revolutionaries. This is a true work-out for the wits.

The book teaches us how to successfully compete on competencies, create capitalism with character, and how to have a great life while also making a living. It is required reading for all those wanting to be a first-rate version of themselves rather than a second-rate version of someone else.

Karaoke Capitalism - create or cover?

Karaoke Capitalism is a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxies of business. and practice is that business schools, benchmarking and best practice have transformed the entire world of commerce into a super-group of karaoke copying companies. And imitating someone else will never get you to the top - merely to the middle.

Our societies are shaped by the glorious trio of technologies, institutions and galaxies of commerce. It is a book about people - management for mankind - the individuals prepared to grasp the microphone and express themselves. You have the rights. Now, you must learn to live them.

The karaoke reality is a cosmopolitan club with endless individual choice but also a paltry place for institutionalized imitation. The dirty little secret of management theory values. Changes have now made abnormal the new normal. The bubble economy has given way to the double economy. Forget about appealing to the average. Success is a question of exploring the extremes.

Corporations are no longer in control. Modern companies are facing the prospects of a two-front war: held hostage by talent and under siege by consumers. The winners know that wealth is created with wisdom, but to remain competitive they are forced

to create knowledge networks that pose new and fundamentally different demands on the organization.

In a world of economic Darwinism, survival is a question of being fit or sexy - competing on models and moods. Fitness boils down to using market imperfections to your advantage. Masters of mood exploit the imperfections of man by seducing or sedating consumer. Excellent companies re-invent innovation and re-energize the corporation.

To develop the character of capitalism we have to accept individual responsibility. Look inside. Do you want to be a first-rate version of yourself or a second-rate version of someone else?

The Swedish economists, who shot to the top of the management guru charts in 2001 with their era-defining book, Funky Business, are back Director magazine

Kjell Nordstrom & Jonas Ridderstrale Dr. Jonas Ridderstrale and Dr. Kjell A Nordström are at the forefront of the new generation of business gurus. They cut through the madness and hyperbole surrounding the economy and their appeal is truly global. Jonas and Kjell have been featured on CNN and CNBC. They have appeared in Fortune, Fast Company, Time Magazine, Financial Times, Paris Match, and many other publications worldwide. The 2003 Thinkers 50, the bi-annual ranking of management thinkers, ranked Nordström and RidderstrSle at number 21.

Kjell's and Jonas' uncompromising and decidedly fresh take on contemporary business life makes them two of the world's most sought after speakers. They also practice what they so persuasively preach. From their Stockholm base, Jonas and Kjell act as advisors and consultants to a number of multi- national corporations and are on the board of several companies.

They both hold PhDs in international business from the Stockholm School of Economics and have been recognized as Sweden's outstanding young academics of the year.

Their previous book, Funky Business: Talent makes capital dance quickly became an international bestseller, selling more than 250,000 copies. The book was recently ranked at number 16 in a survey of the greatest business books of all time.

Praise for Funky Business

Funky Business is the antidote to bland writing and bland thinking. Tom Peters

It's the best un-businesslike business book I have ever read ....Funky Business is less of a business handbook and more of a religion. It should be treated like a chain letter - read it and pass it onto 10 other people. (or even better, tell 10 other people to buy it) . - Human Resources

Funky Business is a better book than most novels but it is not for bedtime. It will jerk you out of your complacency and make you question your very existence. It will transform your brain. - Customer Management

Funky Business is rigorously researched, witty and intelligent, and overflows with provocative ideas. Business Voice

Funky Business - the groovy bible of modern business philosophy - Red magazine



There is endless individual choice. But choice costs. You can either pay in cash or competence.


Technology creates opportunities and opens up possibilities for longer and richer lives. Technology frees us to be ourselves - but only if we have the cash or competence. Power is transferred from those who used to control information to those who control knowledge.


The institutions of the past are being reshaped. Fragmentation and disappearing social capital require that we all become individual institutional innovators. Power is transferred from the rule-takers to the rule-breakers and rule -makers.


Meaning is no longer given - by church or state. Materialism rules! To move beyond the meaning of lite we have to create our own communities. Power is transferred from local citizens to global tribesmen and women.


Abnormal is the new normal. The bubble economy has given way to the double economy of graft and grief, misery and opportunity, making a living and having a life.


Talented individuals are mobile monopolies with global passports. They control the key to competitiveness, the scarcest resource: competence.


Friction-free commerce is a shopper's paradise. A profusion of markets, surplus supply, continuous commoditization plus inexpensive information = perfect competition.


Companies face a two-front war: held hostage by competent individuals and under siege by demandind customers. The number one characteristic of a well-functioning market economy is low average profitability. To thrive, organizations must learn to master the art of capitalizing on competencies and customer creation.


Organizations which maximize competence are organized in innovative ways to do things - everything - differently. Knowledge is everything.


To attract talent you need a seductive story. Stars will not settle for XM (extra medium) when they can get XMe. Personalize or perish.


In a world of abnormality, sameness sucks. Deviance is good. Recruit deviants and then set them free to create tomorrow.


Even deviants need to know who they are, where they are going and be given the incentive to get there.


Creation is not a single voice in the darkness, but a conversation, a process of dialog and discovery.


Beyond the quick fix lies continuous commitment to doing things differently. Experimentation requires persistence as much as imagination.


From Picasso to Michael Jackson, temporary monopolies are karaoke heaven. Lie back and monopolize .


What do we want to do for the customer? What's your customer value proposition? Go forth and exploit the imperfection.


In a world of mood swinging markets, understanding emotions may lie at the heart of economics.


Leaders relate to others and themselves. Love them and lead them.


In the Viagra and Prozac world it seems we can choose or lose. But management for mankind requires that most elusive of talents: balance.
In the long-awaited follow-up to the international bestseller Funky Business, Jonas Ridderstrale and Kjell A Nordström launch a new manifesto for how to make it in the world of Karaoke Capitalism. The karaoke economy is dominated by individuals with endless choice. The trouble for business is that the karaoke club is also home to institutionalized. Copy-cats abound. Only imagination and innovation place societies, organizations and individuals center-stage.

Karaoke Capitalism is a call to arms. Kjell and Jonas are rebels with a cause. With their unorthodox combination of academic rigor, forceful logic and funky free-thinking they once again re-write the rules for evolutionaries. This is a true work-out for the wits. Free your mind! The book teaches us how to successfully compete on competencies, create capitalism with character, and how to have a great life while also making a living. It is required reading for all those wanting to be a first-rate version of themselves rather than a second-rate version of someone else.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Rezension
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Besprechung von 19.12.2004

Verrückte Welt da draußen

Auf die Lieblingsunwortliste des Autorenduos Ridderstrale/Nordström gehören "Benchmarking" und "Best Practise". Unternehmer, die sich am Wettbewerber orientieren, sind Verlierertypen, Karaoke-Kapitalisten, die imitieren, was andere vorgesungen haben.

Die Sieger sind die, die eigene, unverwechselbare Lieder machen. In der Welt von morgen haben die Kunden die Macht übernommen, so die These der Schweden. Und die Konsumenten bestrafen teures Mittelmaß. Der Kunde will das Billigste oder das Exquisite. Wer billig nicht kann, der muß eben Emotionen wecken, wie BMW oder Apple.

Die These ist steil und durch zieht das ganze ungewöhnliche, etwas schräge Buch. Es will die Wirtschaftswelt neu erklären und die nötigen Rezepte dafür zeigen. Die Leistung der Schreiber besteht darin, aus einer ungeheuren Datenflut jene herauszufiltern, die uns staunen machen und den Schluß nahelegen: Verrückte Welt da draußen. Der beste Rapper ist weiß, der beste Golfer ist schwarz, und die Dänen schicken die Marine in einen Wüstenkrieg. Was bleibt? Man muß nicht alles glauben, was uns die schwedischen Managementgurus darbieten. Aber es erquickt den, den es nicht erschreckt.


Jonas Ridderstrale/Kjell Nordström,

Karaoke Capitalism, Bookhouse, 34 Euro.

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