In a small New England town, an eleven-year-old girl and her two younger siblings have had to move yet again to a new house, to a new school, and to more questions by strangers. Kate Colton hopes this move will be different for her mom, her brother and her sister, and of course, for herself. Now, they'll be living closer to aunts and uncles, which Mom thinks is a good thing. But Kate soon learns that moms don't always get it right, especially when dealing with an alcoholic father in the family. Will the new move be a permanent one for Kate and her family? Will Kate's father be able to change, or will he continue to embarrass Kate and make her feel ashamed? Will Kate be strong enough to perform at her new school as the lead in her school play or will her father's alcoholism ruin that for her too? In Kate's Secret, readers not only learn what it means to live in an alcoholic family but will also benefit from the questions and resources provided at the end of the book.
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