The general objective of this study was to analyze the determinants of exchange rate of the Kenyan shillings against Chinese Yuan. The research was guided by the following specific objectives: To determine the effect of interest rate on the exchange rate of the Kenyan Shilling against Chinese Yuan; To establish the effect of inflation on the exchange rate of the Kenyan Shilling against Chinese Yuan and to find out the effect of external public debt on the exchange rate of the Kenyan Shilling against Chinese Yuan. The study used both descriptive and explanatory research design and applied regression analysis to establish the effects of interest rates, inflation rates and external debt on the exchange rates. The study variables were interest rates, inflation rates, external debt and exchange rates and census sampling was applied. Data was obtained from the Central Bank of Kenya for a period of 12 years from 2007-2018. Exchange rate was calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages, monthly central bank lending rate was the measure of interest rate.