"Kevin and the Smiling Dog" is based upon a true childhood story. It tells the tale of a young boy and and his chance misadventure with a dog he met on his way to the grocer. Nothing he had learned before would prepare him for this amazing day! Author's Note: Kevin and the Smiling Dog is based upon a true story from my childhood and most of the details and characters are real. The book depicts a young boy named Kevin and is, in a sense, also autobiographical, in that the Kevin in the book is me. An important part of the book is also about being a young person and understanding how the world works. Without divulging the entire contents of the book, it is also a way to teach children about the animal world, and why and how pets do what they do. A parent can read this book with their child and talk about it, as well as having fun colouring and discovering life through Kevin's amazing journey that day.
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