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Main description:
`It is a safe bet that Key Thinkers will emerge as something of a 'hit' within the undergraduate community and will rise to prominance as a 'must buy'
-Environment and Planning
`Key Thinkers on Space and Place is an engagingly written, well-researched and very accessible book. It will surely prove an invaluable tool for students, whom I would strongly encourage to purchase this edited collection as one of the best guides to recent geographical thought'
-Claudio Minca, University of Newcastle
`Key Thinkers is the best encyclopedic tool for human geographers

Main description:
`It is a safe bet that Key Thinkers will emerge as something of a 'hit' within the undergraduate community and will rise to prominance as a 'must buy'

-Environment and Planning

`Key Thinkers on Space and Place is an engagingly written, well-researched and very accessible book. It will surely prove an invaluable tool for students, whom I would strongly encourage to purchase this edited collection as one of the best guides to recent geographical thought'

-Claudio Minca, University of Newcastle

`Key Thinkers is the best encyclopedic tool for human geographers since the Dictionary of Human Geography. It takes into its orbit discussions of the lives and work of the last three decades' major thinkers on space and place. It is hugely useful for students who want an easy way to access the roots of where some major themes and debates in contemporary geography. It is organized so that each chapter details the scholar's biography, their contribution to spatial and place-based theory and the controversies that arise through their work'

- Stuart Aitken, San Diego State University

Key Thinkers on Space and Place is a comprehensive guide to the latest work on space. Each entry is a short interpretative essay of 2,500 words, outlining the contributions made by the key theorists, and comprises:

a concise biography, indicating disciplinary background, career trajectory and collaboration with others

an outline of the key theoretical, conceptual and methodological ideas each has introduced to human geography

an explanation of the reaction to, and uptake of, how these ideas has changed and evolved over time

an explanation of how these theories have been used and critiqued by human geographers

a selective bibliography of each thinker's key publications (and key secondary publications)

The text is introduced by a contextual essay which outlines in general terms the shifting ways in which space and place have been theorised and which explains how Key Thinkers on Space and Place can be used. A glossary that defines key traditions, with cross-links to key theorists and a timeline of key article/book publication date is also included.

Table of contents:
Benedict Anderson - Euan Hauge
Trevor Barnes - Susanne Reimer
Jean Baudrillard - David Clarke and Marcus Doel
Zygmunt Bauman - David Clarke and Marcus Doel
Ulrich Beck - Lewis Hollway
Brian Berry - Gordon Clarke
Homi K Bhabha - Constantina Papoulias
Pierre Bourdieu - Gary Bridge
Judith Butler - Minelle Mahtani
Manuel Castells - Phil Hubbard
Stuart E Corbridge - Simon Batterbury
Denis Cosgrove - Keith Lilley
Mike Davis - Don McNeill
Michael Dear - Don McNeill and Mark Tewdwr-Jones
Giles Deleuze - Marcus Doel and David Clarke
Arturo Escobar - Simon Batterbury and Jude Fernando
Michel Foucault - Chris Philo
Anthony Giddens - Barney Warf
Reginard Golledge - Rob Kitchin
Derek Gregory - Barney Warf
Torsten H[um]agerstrand - Robin Flowerdew
Peter Haggett - Robin Flowerdew
Stuart Hall - Don Mitchell
Donna Haraway - Lewis Holloway
J Brian Harley - Keith Lilley
David Harvey - Noel Castree
bell hooks - Katherine McKittrick
Peter Jackson - Don Mitchell
Bruno Latour - Eric Laurier
Henri Lefebvre - Rob Shields
David Ley - Paul Rodaway
Doreen Massey - Felicity Callard
Gillian Rose - Minelle Mahtani
Edward W Said - Karen Morin
Andrew Sayer - Andy Pratt
Amartya Sen - Simon Batterbury and Jude Fernando
David Sibley - Minelle Mahtani
Neil Smith - Noel Castree
Edward Soja - Alan Latham
Gayatari Chakravorty Spivak - Robina Mohammad and James Sidaway
Michael Storper - Susanne Reimer
Peter Taylor - Jim Glassman
Nigel Thrift - Barney Warf
Waldo R Tobler - Robin Flowerdew
Yi-Fu Tuan - Paul Rodaway
Paul Virilio - David Clarke and Marcus Doel
Immanuel Wallerstein - Jim Glassman
Michael J Watts - Thomas Perreault
Raymond Williams - Don Mitchell and Carrie Breitbach
Iris Marion Young - Felicity Callard