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Meet Steven Stelfox.
London 1997: New Labour is sweeping into power and Britpop is at its zenith. A&R man Stelfox is slashing and burning his way through the music industry, fuelled by greed and inhuman quantities of cocaine, searching for the next hit record amid a relentless orgy of self-gratification.
But as the hits dry up and the industry begins to change, Stelfox must take the notion of cut throat business practices to murderous new levels in a desperate attempt to salvage his career.

Meet Steven Stelfox.

London 1997: New Labour is sweeping into power and Britpop is at its zenith. A&R man Stelfox is slashing and burning his way through the music industry, fuelled by greed and inhuman quantities of cocaine, searching for the next hit record amid a relentless orgy of self-gratification.

But as the hits dry up and the industry begins to change, Stelfox must take the notion of cut throat business practices to murderous new levels in a desperate attempt to salvage his career.
John Niven, geb. in Ayrshire im Südwesten Schottlands, spielte in den Achtzigern Gitarre bei der Indieband 'The Wishing Stones', studierte dann Englische Literatur in Glasgow und arbeitete schließlich in den Neunzigern als A&R-Manager einer Plattenfirma, bevor er sich 2002 dem Schreiben zuwandte. 2006 erschien sein erstes Buch, eine halbfiktionale Novelle. John Niven schreibt außerdem Drehbücher und Romane. Er lebt derzeit in Buckinghamshire, England.