In the prestigious halls of Blackthorn Academy, where privilege masks secrets and ambition knows no bounds, a group of four unlikely friends harbors a deadly bond. Known as "The Killer Girls" by jealous whispers, their nickname started as a joke-until the night it became real. When a prank spirals into tragedy, Scarlett, Lila, Vivian, and Jade vow to bury the truth and protect each other at all costs. But secrets this dark don't stay buried forever. One year later, they begin receiving chilling messages from someone who knows what they did-and is determined to make them pay. As paranoia and fear consume the group, trust fractures, and alliances shift. The anonymous tormentor knows their every move, pushing them closer to the edge with each cryptic clue and deadly ultimatum. With their lives and futures hanging by a thread, the girls must unravel the identity of their stalker before they lose everything-including each other. Killer Girls is a high-stakes thriller of lies, loyalty, and betrayal, where the line between friend and foe blurs and no one is safe from the truth-or the killer hiding in plain sight.
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