Intensive study of the subject of genetic engineering in plant cultivation revealed strange excesses of this technology. It's about global trade in agricultural goods, about test periods in the field, approval procedures by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) with incredible processes, about political decisions and their excesses, as well as about so-called scientific studies that defy description, up to scientists who thank you today for the massive public resistance and get out of this research area. However, this combined with the hint that what is now being tried with CRISPR-Cas is even worse! It is about the condemnation and denunciation of people who speak out publicly with their concerns. How they tried to take me out of circulation with the help of the state organs - imprisonment and expropriation were the result. However, the successes of my resistance weigh far more: A referendum in November 2005 on “Switzerland free of genetic engineering”, which has endured to this day; Labeling "without genetic engineering" 2006; a 2009 ban on the cultivation and sale of Mon 810 Bt maize by Monsanto; no free trade agreement between Ukraine and Europe; Russia bans Monsanto's glyphosate-based, GM 'Roundup Ready' soy and criminalizes trade and distribution of GM seeds and feed; 2014 Shiploads of genetically modified corn are sent back to the USA from Beijing (claims for damages between the trading house Cargill and Syngenta); the publication of my scientific work on the cause of death of my dairy cows in the EU Commission in January 2016 completely silenced the industry lobbyists. Now it was time to publish my conclusions in this book, which will be published soon in Chinese and Russian.