Current competitive scenario demands from every design organization a constant enhancement of its creativity skills to innovate and satisfy the changing costumers' needs. A great expertise is required to reach such creativity level, an expertise currently dependent on human capability. This impels the development of a system with the capacity of emulating decision-making ability and selecting appropriate creativity techniques. This book encompasses the development and implementation of a knowledge-based system for asserting creativity techniques from various study fields. The presented prototype is showcased in incremental development cycles, from the chore structure and main inference logic to latest implementation and validation. Techniques assertion was modeled through a double inference process using categorization, which associates entry scenarios to five categories and matches identified values to creativity techniques. Current version prototype selects among 24 creativity support techniques in a combination of more than 500 design scenarios. The outputs include explanations on the used inference process, learnings on how to use each tool, overall information and examples.