Introduction - explanations of the current international literacy crises,
A.R. Welch and P. Freebody; literacy strategies - a view from the
International Literacy Year Secretatiat of UNESCO, L.J. Limage; the pen and
the sword - literacy, education and the revolution of Kurdistan, A.
Hassampour; aboriginal education in Northern Australia - a case study of
literacy policies and practices, C. Walton; rights and expectations in an
Age of Debt Crisis - literacy and integral human development in Papua New
Guinea, N. Ahai and N. Faraclas; literacy and primary education in India,
K. Kumar; adult literacy in Nicaragua 1979-90, C. Lankshear; literacy and
the dynamics of language planning - the dynamics of Singapore, A.
Kwan-Terry and J. Kwan-Terry; the troubled text - history and language in
American university writing programmes, J. Collins; workplace literacy in
Australia - competing agendas, P. O'Connor; individualisation and
domestication in current literacy debates in Australia, P. Freebody and
A.R. Welch.