Die Kommentierung des Rechts der natürlichen Personen wurde auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht und teilweise neu konzipiert. Bei der Neubearbeitung des Namensrechts liegt ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dem Konkurrenzverhältnis zum Markenrecht, auch wird die aktuelle Domainrechts-Diskussion behandelt. Die im Jahre 2000 in das BGB neu eingefügten Begriffsdefinitionen des Verbrauchers und Unternehmers werden unter Berücksichtigung der europarechtlichen Bezüge erstmals kommentiert, wobei auch Lösungen für die praktische Umsetzung angeboten werden. Das Verschollenheitsrecht wird im Staudinger - als einzigem Kommentar - umfassend und auf neuestem Stand dargestellt, was vor allem der forensischen Praxis eine wichtigeArbeitshilfe gibt. Neben diesen aktuellen Erläuterungen verschafft die Einleitung einen höchst lesenswerten Überblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte des BGB und seine historischen Grundlagen und gibt eine Einführung in die Methoden des Privatrechts, insbesondere die Gesetzesauslegung und die richterliche Rechtsfortbildung. Ausführlich dargestellt werden die Änderungen und Reformen, namentlich diejenige des Schuldrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind die Bedeutung der Verfassung für das Privatrecht und die Auswirkungen des Europäischen Rechts.
[Introduction to the German Civil Code and General
Part 1; Law on Missing Persons] Comments on the Law on Natural Persons have been updated and revamped in parts. On the restructuring of the Law on the Use of Names, particular emphasis was put on the contending relations with the Law on the Use of Trademarks. The current discussion on the use of domain rights is also being treated. For the first time, there are comments on the definition of the terms of "Consumer" and "Entrepreneur", which were introduced into the German Civil Code back in the year 2000; their relationship to European Law has been taken into account, too and practical solutions for their realization are also offered.
Staudinger is the only commentary giving a comprehensive and up to date representation of the Law on Missing Persons. It will therefore be an invaluable aid for forensic practice. In addition to current comments, the Introduction to this volume provides a highly readable survey on the history of the origins of the German Civil Code and its historic foundations and provides an introduction to the methods of Private Law, especially on the interpretation of the law together with judicial development of the law. Changes to, and reforms of the law, especially the Law of modernizing the Law of Contracts, have been represented extensively. Further important topics are the significance of the constitution for Private Law and the effects of European Law.
[Introduction to the German Civil Code and General
Part 1; Law on Missing Persons] Comments on the Law on Natural Persons have been updated and revamped in parts. On the restructuring of the Law on the Use of Names, particular emphasis was put on the contending relations with the Law on the Use of Trademarks. The current discussion on the use of domain rights is also being treated. For the first time, there are comments on the definition of the terms of "Consumer" and "Entrepreneur", which were introduced into the German Civil Code back in the year 2000; their relationship to European Law has been taken into account, too and practical solutions for their realization are also offered.
Staudinger is the only commentary giving a comprehensive and up to date representation of the Law on Missing Persons. It will therefore be an invaluable aid for forensic practice. In addition to current comments, the Introduction to this volume provides a highly readable survey on the history of the origins of the German Civil Code and its historic foundations and provides an introduction to the methods of Private Law, especially on the interpretation of the law together with judicial development of the law. Changes to, and reforms of the law, especially the Law of modernizing the Law of Contracts, have been represented extensively. Further important topics are the significance of the constitution for Private Law and the effects of European Law.