Diese Ausgabe des Wiener Jahrbuchs für Theologie der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Wien widmet sich dem Thema »Krieg und Frieden«. Es knüpft damit an eine Podiumsdiskussion der Fakultät aus dem Jahr 2023 zum selben Thema an, ausgelöst durch den groß angelegten Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine, der am 24. Februar 2022 begann und leider auch im Frühjahr 2025 noch mit unverminderter Härte geführt wird. Unterdessen ist der Gazakrieg hinzugekommen, der sich zu einem Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten zu entwickeln droht. So bleibt das Thema der damaligen Podiumsdiskussion nicht nur aktuell, sondern hat bedauerlicherweise an Brisanz noch zugenommen. Die Beiträger:innen des Bandes betrachten das Thema aus biblischer, kirchengeschichtlicher, systematisch-theologischer und religionspädagogischer Perspektive. Darüber hinaus enthält der Band weitere Beiträge aus aktuellen Forschungsprojekten von Mitgliedern der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät.
This volume of the "Wiener Jahrbuch für Theologie" of the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna is dedicated to the topic of "War and Peace". It is based on a panel discussion on the same topic that took place at the faculty in 2023. The topic was triggered by the large-scale war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022, and unfortunately continues unabated to this day. Meanwhile, the Gaza war has been added, which threatens to spread to the entire Middle East. Thus, the topic of the panel discussion is not only still relevant today, but has become even more urgent. The contributors in this volume examine the topic of "War and Peace" from a biblical, church historical, systematic theological and religious education perspective. In addition, the volume contains contributions from current research projects by members of the Protestant Theological Faculty.
This volume of the "Wiener Jahrbuch für Theologie" of the Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna is dedicated to the topic of "War and Peace". It is based on a panel discussion on the same topic that took place at the faculty in 2023. The topic was triggered by the large-scale war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022, and unfortunately continues unabated to this day. Meanwhile, the Gaza war has been added, which threatens to spread to the entire Middle East. Thus, the topic of the panel discussion is not only still relevant today, but has become even more urgent. The contributors in this volume examine the topic of "War and Peace" from a biblical, church historical, systematic theological and religious education perspective. In addition, the volume contains contributions from current research projects by members of the Protestant Theological Faculty.