This book presents a history of a spiritual consciousness raising church camp and addresses the role of interpersonal communication in such settings. The lead part of the title "Kum Ba Yah, A Song in the Air" is conveyed to represent two meanings. "Kum Ba Yah" is an African spiritual song, sung at many church camp settings, in that it calls to God with the request that he "come by here" so that the camp participants can feel his presence. "A Song in the Air" is stressed, with this particular group, in that the group meets one week each year but, otherwise, there is little tangible evidence that the group exists. The group comes together once a year, has a meaningful camp program for one week and then dissipates. Camp participants depart and the camp ceases to exist for 51 weeks until they meet again the following year. Participants perceive intense and varied types of camp experiences but, for the most part, the camp has very little impact beyond those that have attended the camp