Part I. A Standard Analysis of Factor Mobility: 1. Beneficial versus
distortionary mobility of factors of production; 2. Factor mobility and
goods trade: do they substitute each other?; Part II. Migration to the
Welfare State: 3. Intertemporal social insurance and migration; 4.
Intratemporal social insurance: attractiveness to migrants and attitude of
native-born; 5. Intratemporal social insurance: the interaction between
migration and the size of the welfare state; 6. The effects of migration on
the welfare state: empirical evidence; Part III. Distorted Capital Flows:
7. Bank runs and capital flow reversals; 8. Country risk and capital flow
reversals; 9. Foreign portfolio equity investment and the saving-investment
correlation; 10. Foreign direct investment: a challenge for control of
domestic capital; 11. Foreign direct investment: a vehicle for technology
transfer and increased competition.