"In an Average Garden," series kicks off with "Ladybug," a story that delves into the journey of coming-of-age. Exciting stories featuring her lovable garden buggies like Firefly, Praying Mantis, and Stick Bug, to mention a few. "Dot," is a ladybug without dots who learns valuable lessons about embracing and overcoming her unique differences. Dot's story is a reminder that we are all distinct individuals, yet united in our hearts and minds. "In an Average Garden," series kicks off with "Ladybug," a story that delves into the journey of coming-of-age. Exciting stories featuring her lovable garden buggies like Firefly, Praying Mantis, and Stick Bug, to mention a few. "Dot," is a ladybug without dots who learns valuable lessons about embracing and overcoming her unique differences. Dot's story is a reminder that we are all distinct individuals, yet united in our hearts and minds.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.