Andre Wink, Andr WinkLand and Sovereignty in India
Agrarian Society and Politics Under the Eighteenth-Century Maratha Svar Jya
List of maps and diagrams
List of abbreviations
Part I. Brahman, King and Emperor: 1. Sovereignty and universal dominion
2. Mughal expansion in the Deccan
3. The Maratha svar¿jya in the eighteenth century
4. Conclusion and summary
Part II. The Co-Sharers of the Realm: 5. Sovereignty, vested rights and sedition
6. The king's co-sharers
7. Patrilineage and coparcenary
8. Grants of land
9. The grant of land as act of sovereignty
Part III. The King's Share: 10. Land and taxation
11. The standard assessment
12. Adjustments of the standard assessment
13. Tenancy relations
14. Conclusion
Part IV. Regulation and Repartition: 15. The brahman bureaucracy
16. Repartition and assignment of the king's share
17. Monetization and the cash-nexus
18. Revenue farming
19. Conclusion and summary
Key to selections of papers from the records at the East-India House