As a source of primary production system, land serves as an essential component in the agricultural system.But from 1970's shrimp culture started in the Coastal region of Bangladesh. After introducing of shrimp culture, start Landuse transforms from other use to shrimp culture. For changing Landuse pattern from crop to shrimp culture it increases salinity of soil which creates many problems in crop cultivation. Landuse Transformation creates many problems and it also creates different types of positive and negative effects in the coastal region of Bangladesh. This book analyzes the positive and negative effects of Landuse transformation and also explores the extends of Landuse Transformation. This book also analyzes land suitability which can be minimize those problem creates for Landuse transformation. For assessing Landuse transformation and the suitability of land for crop and shrimp culture requires a considerable effort in terms of information collection that presents both opportunities and limitations to decision- makers.This book concludes suggesting addition/subtraction of land for crop/shrimp culture for optimum yield from the landuse.