This book introduces students to the fundamentals of how computers are used to represent, process, and organize textual and spoken information. It allows students to effectively understand how the computer works and where the problems arise with the involvement of natural language. Self-contained chapters cover the central analytical concepts and provide students with tips on how to effectively integrate this knowledge into their working practice. The book teaches students to generate, justify and argue for valid conclusions about the design, capabilities and behavior of natural language systems.
Language and Computers introduces students to thefundamentals of how computers are used to represent, process, andorganize textual and spoken information. Concepts are grounded inreal-world examples familiar to students' experiences ofusing language and computers in everyday life.
A real-world introduction to the fundamentals of how computersprocess language, written specifically for the undergraduateaudience, introducing key concepts from computationallinguistics.
Offers a comprehensive explanation of the problems computersface in handling natural language
Covers a broad spectrum of language-related applications andissues, including major computer applications involving naturallanguage and the social and ethical implications of these newdevelopments
The book focuses on real-world examples with which students canidentify, using these to explore the technology and how itworks
Features "under-the-hood" sections that givegreater detail on selected advanced topics, rendering the bookappropriate for more advanced courses, or for independent study bythe motivated reader.
Language and Computers introduces students to thefundamentals of how computers are used to represent, process, andorganize textual and spoken information. Concepts are grounded inreal-world examples familiar to students' experiences ofusing language and computers in everyday life.
A real-world introduction to the fundamentals of how computersprocess language, written specifically for the undergraduateaudience, introducing key concepts from computationallinguistics.
Offers a comprehensive explanation of the problems computersface in handling natural language
Covers a broad spectrum of language-related applications andissues, including major computer applications involving naturallanguage and the social and ethical implications of these newdevelopments
The book focuses on real-world examples with which students canidentify, using these to explore the technology and how itworks
Features "under-the-hood" sections that givegreater detail on selected advanced topics, rendering the bookappropriate for more advanced courses, or for independent study bythe motivated reader.