How reductive is the idea that sees in the environment only the infinite diversity of living and non-living things that surround us! Because the other is in the I, the society in the solitude of the Ego, the present work intends to lead the reader to a wider understanding of the concept. Already the idea of environmental degradation is not so far from our social degradation and this one from our moral degradation. Otherwise Nature would not have come to war with us. Master Eckart points out that green wood groans when it burns. Is this groaning not the effect of an ontological wound? What man would not groan when reduced to the state of an object? For our part, the stone damages, it is said, the hand that mistreats it, and so does Nature. Being before me, in me, without me and enveloping me on all sides, it can only leave the status of a simple object to take on the status of the Absolute of a gift. I could not use it without enough consideration as something which is only external to me.